Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Things I really dislike about Romney.


The things I really dislike about Romney:

1) China bashing. What is the point of this? If China's currency is undervalued, it means Americans get goods cheaper. I like that. My iPhone is cheaper, my iPad is cheaper, your Blackberry is cheaper, solar panels are cheaper. Arguing China should raise prices is baffling.

2) Immigration. People come to America to work and make a better life for themselves and their families. Let them in, give them a map of the US and a cup of coffee with this message, "Welcome to America, have a nice day." Yes, I am serious.

3) Energy policy. Why are we even talking about this? We don't have a peanut butter policy and that market seems to work. We don't have a shoe policy and that market seems to work. We don't have a iPhone policy and the market seems to work. "All of the above?" No. How about, let consumers decide.

4) Mr. Fix-it. Obama and Romney share the same delusional perception he is the smartest guy in the room and he can turn this knob or flip that switch of the economy and it will be solved. They can't. It won't.

Those are the big ones.


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