Monday, October 22, 2012

Finding Common Ground


One of the most enduring lessons of our conversation is just how how challenging the search for common ground can be. You and I, after all, are men of good will and honorable character (at least I would vouch for yours). We value our integrity, work hard at our respective crafts, love our children, and worry passionately about the future of our country. We share enough common ground that I would wager that if you and I were given responsibility for solving the nation's post election fiscal crisis we could safely rappel down the fiscal cliff in a matter of hours.

On the other hand, our views of the current political landscape are so divergent that a visitor from another planet would think we are talking about different countries. Said visitor would certainly believe we were describing two different men were he to hear our assessment of the President's job performance and his character  And that's before we start talking about the proper of role in religious institutions in providing health care, the value of public education, the role of government in fostering industrial policy, etc, never mind  the meaning of freedom and liberty.

Somehow it all works I guess. We'll both get up on the morning of Nov 7, get in the shower, put on our clothes, grab a cup of coffee, and try to make sense, in this space as well as our own minds, of what happened the night before, and what might happen next.

I, for one,. am more than ready for it to be over.


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