Monday, October 1, 2012

The Same Trickle Down Policies That Got Us Into This Mess in the First Place?


The Obama campaign has turned truly bizarre. It seems over the last ten days every Democrat that speaks publicly will insert the following, A vote for Romney is a vote for "the same trickle down policies that got us into this mess in the first place."

So Obama admits we are in "a mess," finally. I guess we're in a mess but going in the right direction? We're in a mess, so the car is still in the ditch but now it's moving. We're in a mess, but the cliff we drove over hasn't resulted in a complete catastrophe? If you can tell me anything sensical about reconciling "the mess" we're in and avoiding any responsibility for it, I'd love to hear it.

By the way, I think Obama has borderline personality disorder. Probably common among politicians. He clearly has a pathological aversion to responsibility.

And how did "trickle down policies" result in "this mess?" What is the path from trickle down to a housing market bubble, then collapse, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac subsidizing the housing market, a run on the banks, bailing out investment banks, GM, Chrysler, Solyndra, the largest increase in food stamps in history, record high unemployment and record low labor force participation rates? How does that path of causation run?

What trickle down policies? That would be the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003? The same tax cuts Obama extended because revoking them would put the economy in danger? The trickle down policies that Obama extended are now the cause of "the mess" we are in?

Truly bizarre.


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