Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Suppose I Was Watching the Other Debate


The gabosphere seems to think Obama won last night's debate. I must have been tuned to a different channel. I thought Romney mopped the floor with Obama. To me, Obama seemed petulant, arrogant, irritatingly professorial, defensive, evasive, irrelevant, meaningless, inarticulate and illogical. That is, just another normal day for him.



  1. I continue to be confused by the idea of winning the presidential debates. It seems like to win you'd have to address your opponent's arguments in a way that adequately takes into account your opponent's actual position. What I saw was one person getting up and arguing against what he claimed the other person believed and the other person getting up and thoroughly denying actually believing anything that his opponent had said.

    I did appreciate one of the tweets that NBC played across the screen though. It said, so okay under both we'll have education, healthcare and guns, and drones watching every move we make.

  2. Isn't winning when you convince the viewer to vote for you? How you do that, winning the argument or some other factor seems irrelevant.

    Love that tweet.
