Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Teachers Unions Aren't the Problem, Publicly Funded Education Is.


There is a lot of misplaced animosity on the right towards the Teachers unions. The real problem is public funding of education, which results in too powerful teachers unions, poor educational outcomes, spending far in excess of inflation and non-responsiveness to consumer demand.

Eliminate pubic funding of education and you allow consumers full freedom to choose what is best for their children's education. Innovation will be encouraged. Responsiveness to consumer tastes and needs will increase. Prices will reflect the value consumers place on education and teacher's pay and benefits will reflect the value they provide.

Our deepest most tragic mistake as a society is to stand idly by bemoaning the failing of our education system and proposing only to do more of what has resulted in the poor results. Most devastating for those whose educational needs don't fit neatly into a school system that combines the agriculture calendar and the mass-production philosophy.


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