Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"the notion that marginal tax rates do matter"


I was amused by your grudging admission "I  have some sympathy with the notion that marginal tax rates do matter. " I could almost feel your pain. I kept rolling over those words "the notion." I have sympathy with the notion 2 + 2 = 4.

Try this one on for size.


From Greg Mankiw's Blog

People Respond to Incentives

France's new 75 percent income tax on the rich may not be popular with millionaires. But it's being cheered by another group: Paris real-estate buyers. Real estate agents say that the number of multi-million-dollar real-estate listings in Paris has jumped more than 25 percent over last year -- due in part to the threat of the new income tax....[B]rokers say the 75 percent tax on the wealthiest French citizens has contributed to the decision by many of the them to sell their homes in anticipation of a possible move to another country.

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