Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Second Coming of Bill Clinton


I don't know why you are so worried about Romney, nor why you are so confused what he stands for. Isn't it obvious? He's a moderate Republican, the Second Coming of Bill Clinton. In fact, in many ways he's to the left of Clinton.

Clinton passed NAFTA. Clinton declared the era of Big Government is over. Graham-Leach-Bliley finally killed Glass Steagall but Clinton's Treasury Secretary (and competition) had effectively repealed Glass Steagall anyway. Clinton passed welfare reform. Clinton passed the Telecom Act of 1996. Federal spending growth under Clinton was less than just about every post war President and reached the lowest percent of the economy in decades. (And by the way, next time you make the bogus argument about taxes and Clinton, please be honest and tell the whole story including the facts in this paragraph). When Clinton couldn't get the BTU tax and Hilary Care passed in his first two years he pivoted to the right. Can we say he was "inconsistent" he was an etch a sketch President? He did the same thing when he lost the Governorship of Arkansas. He listened to what his constituents were saying and changed his stance. You vilify Romney but praise Clinton? Why? Romney is the second coming of Bill Clinton.

Who is Barack Obama? Why the second coming of George Bush, ofcourserous. No more torture; worse, he just kills them with drone strikes. Big spending, unpaid for mandates, trampling on civil liberties with extension of the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretaps. Picking winners and losers, crony capitalism. What's the difference between TARP (a Bush policy) and Bush's stimulus and Bush's attempt to bail out GM and Chrysler and Obama? Would love to hear your answer. To me they look like twins.

Which is why I'm totally confused by you. You love Clinton but hate Romney. You hate Bush but love Obama. But Romney = Clinton and Obama = Bush.


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