Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lies and More Lies


I think Trump lies often. I think Obama lied often. I think Bush lied often. I think politicians lie. Often. Yet somehow the lie detection chyrons on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc are deployed for Trump but I don't recall the same level of devotion to truth patrol for anyone other than Trump.

Ahhh, but Trump lies much more than a normal politician. Maybe, probably. So it's OK to lie a certain amount but once you cross the lying Maginot line the guardians of veracity have to take action. Got it. Good to know. Ummm, please tell me how much is  the lying tipping point.

I don't trust the guardians of truth. I think they lie, or are stupid, or both. The easiest example for me is a small lie, but repeated often. Maggie Haberman at the NY Times claimed the Intelligence Community was unanimous in concluding the Russians interfered with the election. This is absurd. There are 17 members of the Intelligence Community, including US Coast Guard Intelligence. Sure, the Coast Guard evaluated the Russian interference claim and agreed the Russians interfered. This lie was repeated over and over again by media and Congressman and the NY Times and ALL of them did or should have known better. There are many many many many many many more examples of lies perpetuated or enabled or ignored (if proposed by the right side) by the guardians of truth. I pick on the NY Times but I think ALMOST ALL of them are bad, including Fox, Breitbart and their ilk.

I think the Russian investigation is a lie. It is based on a lie, perpetuated by lies and is now falling apart so more lies are being proposed to replace the discredited lie. Good job everyone.

I've become agitated about this recently because of the relentlessness of the lies and the impact it is having. I think it's bad for the country to believe and spread these lies and justify it with "Orange Man Bad."

A young man I cherish was speaking with his mother recently bemoaning the state of the job market today compared to the job market when she entered the workforce. [Double head shake- What the what!!] He claimed the job market today is much worse than the late 1980's. I've heard you say, accurately, this is just about the best job market ever. And yet this intelligent, educated young man has the belief the job market is poor. How can this be. Ignorance of youth, impatience to move along, maybe dis-satisfaction with the job he got shortly after graduating. And maybe a large dose of news reports and statements from Republicans and Democrats about how awful things are or are going to be. When Obama was President the GOP complained about slow growth and the Dems/Obama talked about the longevity of the recovery. When Trump became President the positions change. They are all lying and and the lies are repeated by their useful idiots, their media vassals. On both sides.

The relentlessness of the lies is one of the reasons I am highly skeptical of climate change predictions. The predictions are based on assumption of population growth, economic growth, energy intensity and fuel sources. The most dire predictions, the ones constantly repeated by the press and politicians is based on RCP 8.5. The Atlantic had something to say about RCP 8.5 in this article.  And the lies and ignorance leads to stupid predictions like this: "U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked. UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000." Yes, the prediction is from June 29, 1989. Fortunately, according to the silly little girl from Brooklyn we have another 12 years to fix everything before global disaster. I guess I'm a denier because I deny believing they know the difference between their elbow and a hole in the ground.

I'm sure a certain Nobel-prize winning NY Times columnist who predicted the world would end with the election of Trump will suddenly discover the strength of the economy when a Republican isn't in the White House. And God forbid we would give credit to Trump, corporate tax cuts and de-regulation which were predicted to accelerate growth. No instead we have lies, or ignorance, I'll go with lies, from dopes like Kamala Harris and Chris Murphy, claiming the reason people are getting lower tax rebates this year is because the tax cuts went to the millionaires and billionaires and the greedy corporations. Probably has nothing to do with the IRS adjusting withholding tables to withhold less taxes meaning people have been benefiting from the tax cut for a full year.

So yea, I'm cheesed off. Not just at the Dems for lying about Obamcare. Not just at the Republicans for lying about whatever they are lying about and not just the media for being incompetent. I'm cheesed off at all of them. And I think ALL of them are hurting the country.

I'm not going to defend the character of President Trump. I didn't vote for him, I don't like him. I'll probably vote for him in 2020 [and please don't accuse then of being complicit. Complicit? As in being in on a crime? Sigh]. This assume he runs against one of the lunatics the Dems are contemplating and I believe they will nominate a lunatic. I still won't like him and I'll still believe he's a flawed person. The Republican Bill Clinton if Bill Clinton weren't already a Republican.


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