Saturday, October 13, 2018

Of Polls and Policy


I read with interest your post on the Gallup Poll report the increasing popularity of the Republican Party over the last decade, and I share you caution about the meaning of such a sampling device. After all, think about what America might look like if the following popular opinions were translated into public policy:

1) Percentage of Americans who believe Justice Kavanaugh should not have been confirmed-51 (CNN)

2) Percentage  of Americans who favor federally sponsored healthcare for all Americans-56 (Gallup)

3) Percentage of Americans who believe laws regulating guns should be more strict than they are now-67 ((Gallup).

4) Percentage of Americans who believe that global warming is caused by human activity-67 (Gallup)

5) Percentage of Americans who believe that DACA immigrants should be allowed to become citizens 83 (Gallup)

I could go on, but I'm sure you get my point by now. Somewhere, perhaps, James Madison is smiling.


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