Thursday, December 26, 2013

"In some Cases non-pecuniary values are important"

If economists wrote Christmas cards

Could you design an entire set of Christmas cards from these famous economists' actual quotes to the University of Chicago? Might it make the perfect new line of season's greetings from Hallmark? Why yes, it really could.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Khan Academy Figured out the Minimum Wage.

It's really not that difficult. Even a Constitutional Law Professor could figure it out. Algebra is 8th grade level. Shouldn't be that challenging.

Why Not Medicare for All?

The answer is not that difficult: Because it is fiscally unsustainable.

From The Urban Institute:

So again I ask my friends on the left: What is your plan? Obamacare is a mess and the more honest among you realize the issues are much deeper than an website. At least in some of your talking points you proclaim Obamacare wasn't your idea, it was the Republican's idea. So what is YOUR idea? Medicare for all? How will you pay for it?